Survival Analysis using STATA
Course objectives
The goal of this course is to give a brief introduction to the topic of survival analysis.
Background for Survival Analysis
Survival analysis is just another name for time to event analysis. The term survival analysis is predominately used in biomedical sciences where the interest is in observing time to death either of patients or of laboratory animals. Time to event analysis has also been used widely in the social sciences where interest is on analyzing time to events such as job changes, marriage, birth of children and so forth. The engineering sciences have also contributed to the development of survival analysis which is called “reliability analysis” or “failure time analysis” in this field since the main focus is in modeling the time it takes for machines or electronic components to break down. The developments from these diverse fields have for the most part been consolidated into the field of “survival analysis”.
Course content
1. Outline
2. The problem of survival analysis
a. Parametric modelling
b. Semi-parametric modelling
c. The link between the two approaches
3. Basic Theory of Survival analysis
a. The survivorship and hazard functions
i. The Survival function
ii. The Cumulative hazard
iii. The Hazard rate
b. Censoring
i. Right censoring
ii. Interval censoring
iii. Left censoring
4. Formatting and summarizing
a. Survival data
5. Nonparametric models: Life Tables
6. Nelson-Aalen Cumulative Hazard rates
7. Semi-Parametric Models: The Cox Model
a. Derivation of the model
b. Fitting the model
c. Interpretation of coefficients
d. Assumptions
e. Tests of assumptions
8. Recapitulation
Participants profile
The course is open to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows as well as practising researchers. Participants should have some working knowledge of regression models prior to the course and practical knowledge of a statistical package such as STATA, SPSS, EViews, R,etc
Course schedule
This course is thaugt in- company only. Please contact us for more info
Course fees
€1450, VAT-free
Europalaan 400 | 3526 KS Utrecht
This course is given by dr. S. Vujić
Dr. S. Vujić Dr Vujić is a Senior Researcher at the London School of Economics. She received her PhD degree from the Economics and Econometrics Departments of the Free University in Amsterdam. Her main area of interest is quantitative research on socio-economic questions, in the fields of economics of crime, economics of education, behavioural economics, and health economics, which involve the use of large panel and survey data sets. Her other work experience includes posts at the Centre for Economic Performance (CEP) at the London School of Economics, The Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB), and ORTEC Finance. She also held lectureship positions at various universities: Free University Amsterdam (statistics, economics and econometrics), University of Freiburg (economics of education), University of Groningen (microeconometrics and statistics). She is associated with Tridata as a part-time teacher and advisor.